vFairs Monthly Product Updates – February 2023

Every month, we unveil exciting new product updates that are sure to make attending and hosting virtual events even more enjoyable and effective. From introducing ChatGPT into our email builder to enhancing our webinar features, these updates are designed to benefit both attendees and event hosts alike. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most recent updates from vFairs and how they’re revolutionizing the virtual events landscape.

AI Powered Email Builder

vFairs is one of the first in the events industry to go to market with an AI-powered enhancement to our platform. We have created a unique feature that will make event marketing a breeze for organizers. 

Our all-new AI powered email builder is powered by ChatGPT and event hosts can create promotional pre and post event emails within seconds. All you need to do is fill in a few fields and the AI email builder will do the rest.   

The email builder is just the beginning as more exciting AI updates are on their way. Event organizers will be able to create social media posts, landing page content, press releases, and much more.

Featured Jobs

If you’re planning to host a virtual hiring event any time soon, this update will interest you. 

A new and exciting feature called “Featured Jobs” has recently been introduced, which can be utilized for various virtual events, including career fairs, job fairs, university onboarding fairs, and more. 

This feature allows event organizers to select a limited number of jobs to be featured for each booth, ranging from one to five, and applies to all booths participating in the event. 

This enables event organizers to showcase a select few jobs that are especially attractive to attendees, and provides an opportunity for businesses to highlight their most sought-after positions, ultimately leading to a more effective and engaging virtual event.

Registration Form Enhancements

We have added enhancements to the registration form that will make attendee management a breeze for you. Here’s what’s new: 

Group Registrations

Now, you can allow attendees to register as a group through the same registration form. There will only be one primary registrant, and you get to choose how many secondary registrants they can add to their group.

Paid Add-Ons

Event organizers can now also create paid add-ons for base packages. For example, you may want to give attendees meal options at in-person events. You can also gate content like webinars, presentations, or additional resources behind a paywall. It can be a great way for letting your attendees choose what they find most value in.

Webinar Language Switching Option

Did you know that you can now easily switch the language of your multilingual events with just a click?

We’ve recently added a new feature called the ‘Language Switcher’ on the sessions page. You can find it in the webinar popup and it has all the available language options to choose from – English being the default. 

You can now easily switch to a different language option for a particular session without the need to reload the website. The language dropdown will be available at the top of each session, and attendees can simply select their preferred language option to instantly change the language of the session. 

This new feature offers greater convenience and accessibility for attendees who speak different languages and helps to make multilingual events more inclusive.

Event Feed Enhancements

The Event Feed can be a great way to make your event more social and build an inclusive community. We have added enhancements to the live Event Feed to make it more accessible for all your audiences. The Event Feed now supports multiple languages and the settings can be added easily through the backend.

Stay tuned for more captivating and engrossing updates that will be available next month! 

vFairs Monthly Product Updates – February 2023

Amna Akhtar

Amna ist Content Marketer bei vFairs und erstellt seit einigen Jahren alle möglichen Arten von Inhalten. Sie liebt es, verschiedene Arten der Inhaltserstellung zu erforschen - denken Sie an Blogs, bezahlte Anzeigen, Skripte, E-Mail-Marketing, was immer Sie wollen. Sie schreibt leidenschaftlich gern über die verschiedensten Themen, denn das befriedigt ihren ständigen Drang, etwas Neues zu lernen. Wenn sie nicht gerade an ihrem neuesten Projekt arbeitet, findet man sie im Freien, wo sie die Schönheit ihrer Umgebung mit einem Schnappschuss nach dem anderen festhält.

Veranstalten Sie Ihr virtuelles, hybrides oder persönliches Event

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