Why Food Shows Are Going Online

Ever thought about organizing a food show where exhibitors don’t have to pay for floor space or lose work time? Ever thought about maximizing attendees from across the world, and converting them into customers right away? Sounds too good to be true, right?

over worked

Virtual Food Shows allow you to set up a remarkable ONLINE space where exhibitors and prospects can meet new contacts. Then, they can make their sales or purchases with the mere tap of a finger.

virtual event access

Moreover, people are not required to travel to the event or compromise on their usual duties. Therefore, they are more likely to attend a Virtual Food Show from the comfort of their home.

With a progressive mindset and the aim to maximize qualified leads, Jake’s Finer Foods and Centennial Food Service went ahead and hosted their exceptional food shows with vFairs.  Stick around to see how they benefited from going online or click here to learn more about Virtual Food Shows.

Food Show Organizers:

1) Maximize Your Reach

The most significant reason that drives food show organizers towards online food shows is the broad audience. The online nature of these food shows makes them accessible in every part of the world, and on any device. This allows a large number of exhibitors and attendees to benefit and be a part of the show. As a result, it has now become easier for market experts, professionals, and food enthusiasts to form a community.

virtual food show global network

2) Customize Your Food Show

Virtual food shows are highly customizable platforms. They provide organizers with a stellar landing page and top-class 3D graphics. Not only does this compel visitors to register and attend, but also entices them to explore the entire event. Click here for some jaw-dropping visuals of these event.

Jake's Finer Foods Landing Page

3) Add an Online Store

Food Show Organizers can add an online store for on-the-spot transactions. This allows for accelerated conversion of leads into sales.

online food store

4) Evaluate Results

At the end of the event, physical food shows are difficult (more like impossible) to scale. Meanwehile, virtual food shows provide you with detailed reports in order to evaluate success and measure ROI. This helps assess the event’s performance and establishes a benchmark for the future.

post virtual event reporting

Food Show Exhibitors:

Before their show, it is a common practice for exhibitors to run to and fro the venue all day, coordinate with a number of unprofessional vendors, and spend a good few sleepless nights before and during the stretch of the event. What if we tell you that exhibitors don’t have to spend a single day experiencing any of this hassle at a Virtual Food Show.

Regardless of the complexity of designs, branding is now a piece of cake for exhibitors at a Virtual Food Show. Moreover, they can choose to monitor and regulate the type of content that they’d like to share with attendees, i.e. in the form of documents, videos or presentations. Visitors, in addition, have the option of saving relevant and useful content for later use as well. Virtual trade shows get bonus points in terms of saving paper waste and reducing the carbon footprint, making virtual events ecofriendly.

eco friendly virtual events

Furthermore, exhibitors can engage with customers through live webinars, and interact with them using live chat. This allows for real time flow of information, making purchasing decisions quicker and smoother.

A webinar happening in a virtual trade show by Jake's Finer Foods


While attendees get to experience something incredibly innovative, they can also benefit from effective networking opportunities with experts from across the globe.

Not just this, attendees can also make the most out of 1:1 text/audio/video chat with exhibitors and speakers that they wish to interact with and learn from. They can access an online store that consists of all exhibited products and can either purchase them right away or add them to their cart from later purchases. All of which, they can now do from the comfort of their homes.

online shopping network

Out of all virtual tradeshows, it is no surprise that virtual food shows are becoming widely popular due to the exceptional outcome for food traders, manufacturers and suppliers.

To get started, request a FREE DEMO now!


At vFairs.com, we strive to build a top-class online event platform that will help event organizers make memorable connections with their target audience. We’re obsessed with taking out the hassle normally associated with physical events and leaving organizers and exhibitors to focus on what’s most important: engagement with the audience. Get in touch with an expert to learn more about vFairs here.

Why Food Shows Are Going Online

Huda Zaman

Huda ist Product Marketing Manager bei vFairs und glaubt an die Kraft des Storytellings, gepaart mit kreativen Bildern, die Marken zum Leben erwecken und sowohl aktuelle als auch potenzielle Kunden überzeugen. Sie erzählt nicht nur die Geschichten von Unternehmensmarken, sondern setzt sich auch leidenschaftlich für die persönliche Marke ein. Für sie bedeutet das, körperfreundliche Räume zu schaffen, die die Akzeptanz der eigenen Person und anderer fördern.

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