What’s New? Video Resumes, Resume Ratings and More.

I) Boost Hiring Success by Capturing More Resumes

With companies experiencing growing talent needs, we noticed that employers managed to meet the objective of interacting with a large number of candidates. However, a concern that surfaced here was that not every job seeker had their resume uploaded to allow for meaningful screening and shortlisting.

Job seeker profiles either had minimal details, or no resumes available at all. This led to recruiters not having enough information to shortlist them, and consider them as serious candidates for available vacancies.

It’s no secret that having access to a large volume of resumes unlocks many benefits including better decision making and shortlisting. To help hiring organizations fill existing positions and future roles with more confidence and efficiency, vFair’s feature enhancement is maximizing resume capturing for employers.

How you ask?
The event host can turn on our new feature to remind job seekers to upload their resume via a popup when they login. Using a proactive approach to increase the percentage of job seekers with posted resumes, the enriched profiles will aid recruiters in ensuring that they don’t lose out on crucial talent. Also, more resumes means an powerful talent database to choose from, thus making it easier for recruiters to continually make reliable hiring decisions.

How to Use it?
The feature is available under Event Settings → Advanced Settings.
Simply switch the “Show Resume Popup” option to “Yes” if you’d like to remind job seekers to upload their resumes in case it’s missing.

II) Make Evaluations Simpler by Rating Resumes

Sometimes, it can be quite tricky to compare resumes objectively. Moreover, it’s always difficult to keep track of the initial impressions an evaluator made of a candidate’s resume.

Not anymore. Employers now have the option to rate a paper or video resume with our new feature. For each resume, the employer can fill in a star rating, ranging from 1 to 5.

These individual evaluator ratings are then aggregated and the average rating for each candidate is displayed on the resume search screen. This standardized format allows employers to rank candidates in order of their scores and shortlist them easily and efficiently.

III) Assess Soft Skills with Video Resumes

Video Resumes are becoming increasingly popular with employers because of the level of insight they can provide. They reveal not just a candidate’s qualifications and competencies, but in fact can also display their soft skills, for example their personality, body language, communication skills etc. For this reason, video resumes are frequently demanded by employers these days.

To cater to this need, our Registration Forms now support uploading large video resumes, in addition to paper resumes. These video files get uploaded directly to Vimeo and the video link becomes a part of the attendee profile.
This update brings more choice to employers and reflects the growing popularity of video resumes as a more insightful and appealing alternative to traditional paper resumes.


vFairs est la plateforme d'événements virtuels à laquelle font confiance les entreprises, les organisations gouvernementales, les universités, les PME et les startups. Grâce à sa base configurable et évolutive, elle a permis d'organiser des milliers d'événements et d'accueillir des millions d'utilisateurs. Qu'il s'agisse de webinaires et d'événements en ligne entièrement personnalisés ou d'événements d'embauche sécurisés, nos diverses plateformes permettent à nos clients d'atteindre des audiences mondiales avec une commodité absolue.

Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont vFairs peut vous aider à organiser votre prochain événement virtuel, contactez-nous à sales(at)vfairs(dot)com ou appelez-nous au (+1) 415.230.0098.

What’s New? Video Resumes, Resume Ratings and More.

Huda Zaman

Huda est responsable du marketing produit chez vFairs. Elle croit au pouvoir de la narration associée à des visuels créatifs qui donnent vie aux marques et séduisent à la fois les clients actuels et potentiels. En plus de partager les histoires des marques d'entreprise, elle est également passionnée par la marque personnelle. Pour elle, cela signifie créer des espaces positifs pour le corps, encourager l'acceptation de soi et des autres.

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