vFairs Makes The Latka 100 in Canada

We’re excited to share that vFairs has made it to the top SaaS companies in Canada in position #32. Each year, Latka analyzes 10,000 different software companies around the world to select the top 100 in each country.

How We Ranked At The Top

The rankings are based off a combination of factors including how fast we’ve grown our revenue (ARR) and how frequently paying customers use vFairs.

Many of you have been with us for years giving us a very low customer churn rate. Thank you!

You’ve decided to use vFairs across more of your team and many of you have upgraded. Latka looks at how many customers expand their accounts, and increase their ARPU as a factor in the rankings.

At vFairs, we’ve been focused on helping businesses meet business goals through virtual events for the past many years and are proud to be helping more orgnizations than ever to experience the value of online events. While the pandemic is an unfortunate situation, it has highlighted the importance of virtual events and as a result, we’re now seeing much greater demand this year around. We’re also happy to share that we have scaled our team to over 100+ employees and continue to grow our presence across North America, Europe & APAC.

You played a vital role in helping us grow and rank so high up against thousands of other SaaS companies and we can’t thank you enough. We’ve been listening to a lot of incoming requests and customer wishlists which has left us super motivated to keep building out great solutions. We have big product plans for 2020 and can’t wait help you connect audiences and amplify engagement with our latest line of features.

Watch this space for product updates!

B2B SaaS BlogB2B SaaS Blog

To calculate ARR, take last months recurring revenue only and multiple by 12 months. We’ll talk about how to define

B2B SaaS BlogB2B SaaS Blog

What is Churn Rate? Subscription or SaaS businesses make more money because customers pay over and over after you sign

B2B SaaS BlogB2B SaaS Blog

What is Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)? Take your total revenue divided by your active users (customers) over a month


The Top B2B SaaS Companies. CEO’s share revenue, customer count, growth rates, churn, arpu, cac, ltv, and more!
vFairs Makes The Latka 100 in Canada

Huda Zaman

Huda est responsable du marketing produit chez vFairs. Elle croit au pouvoir de la narration associée à des visuels créatifs qui donnent vie aux marques et séduisent à la fois les clients actuels et potentiels. En plus de partager les histoires des marques d'entreprise, elle est également passionnée par la marque personnelle. Pour elle, cela signifie créer des espaces positifs pour le corps, encourager l'acceptation de soi et des autres.

Accueillez votre événement virtuel, hybride ou en personne

Nos chefs de projet réactifs fournissent un soutien de bout en bout aux événements pour vous aider à organiser des expériences incroyables pour votre public.