National Center for Homeopathy Will Host the Joint American Homeopathy Conference from March 24 to 26 Using vFairs Event Technology

No matter where YOU are in your homeopathy journey – from just starting out, to an expert homeopathy practitioner or other integrative practitioner and everyone in between – JAHC is your destination for learning about 21st century health issues and how to stay well. 


The National Center for Homeopathy will host a virtual conference from 24th-26th March, 2023. The virtual conference will take place on the vFairs event platform.

The virtual conference aims to provide homeopathic and natural solutions to various concerns such as cold, flus, respiratory issues, hormonal imbalances, headaches, etc. Top educators and experts from the country will focus on these health concerns and share their abundant knowledge.

The conference includes more than 30 live and recorded sessions from experts which will be suitable for both professionals and beginners. Moreover, attendees can also meet and interact with 25 interesting industry exhibitors via virtual booths.

The conference will not only honor traditional methods but will also celebrate and introduce attendees to the latest developments and approaches to healthcare. The conference aspires to become an inclusive space for everyone to showcase their 21st century skills and knowledge.

“In today’s world, people enjoy having options, conveniences, and cost variety. Managing your health- physical and emotional- and that of your loved ones is no exception.  Homeopathy is an effective form of holistic medicine that people should add to their list of options for health concerns of all types including: Colds, flus, respiratory issues, digestion, headaches, hormonal concerns and more. And this year, there’s an online conference to learn about homeopathy for all those concerns! No matter where YOU are in your homeopathy journey – from just starting out, to an expert practitioner and everything in between, the National Center for Homeopathy presents “JAHC – A Homeopathy Conference for the 21st Century,”  said Christina Donka, CCH for The National Center of Homeopathy.

“vFairs is proud to be in partnership with the NCH. I am excited for the event as our teams have worked hard to bring this virtual conference to life,” said Muhammad Younas, CEO of vFairs.

It is the largest homeopathy conference & welcomes both professional homeopaths & home users.

About The National Center of Homeopathy

NCH provides reliable information, resources and materials to homeopathy consumers, students and practitioners. Homeopathy Today magazine and our annual Joint American Homeopathic Conference (JAHC) are highly regarded world-wide as a reliable source for high-quality education.

À propos de vFairs

vFairs est une plateforme d'événements virtuels, hybrides et en personne qui aide les organisations de toutes tailles, industries et régions à organiser des événements en ligne mémorables afin d'obtenir de réels résultats commerciaux. La plateforme virtuelle et l'application mobile offrent des fonctionnalités polyvalentes et des options de personnalisation. Ils offrent également un support client exceptionnel, régulièrement classé n°1 sur des sites tiers tels que G2 et Capterra. C'est pourquoi les plus grandes organisations du monde entier ont choisi vFairs pour organiser des conférences virtuelles, des salons professionnels en ligne, des salons de l'emploi, des formations virtuelles et bien d'autres choses encore.

National Center for Homeopathy Will Host the Joint American Homeopathy Conference from March 24 to 26 Using vFairs Event Technology

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