How to Generate Leads in Virtual Telecom Trade Shows

In the past year, there have been huge shifts in the way people work. While some industries have struggled to survive during the pandemic, many have also needed to make huge shifts to stay afloat. The major shift to work-from-home orders has put a huge amount of stress on the telecommunications industry. Professionals need these products and services now more than ever, and telecom businesses need to connect with their clients in a virtual way. Enter: virtual telecom trade shows.

Virtual telecom trade shows are hosted in a dynamic 3D environment. It means they resemble that of a physical show. Such shows are hosted from within the comfort of your home as you don’t need to run back and forth, worrying about certain things and arrangements. Virtual telecom trade shows are getting highly popular as professionals these days are looking for ways to generate leads. Especially in the current situation of the world, it has really become difficult to generate potential leads for your business.

Why Are Virtual Telecom Trade Shows Beneficial?

Such events are more than beneficial in many terms. This is because the cost of organizing an event has been significantly reduced. These shows bring bigger opportunities to reach more people with fewer efforts as compared to any traditional trade show you may host. 

Capturing leads through virtual telecom trade shows is considered a key indicator. Keeping this in mind, we have gathered some very useful tips to generate leads for telecom trade shows. Stick to the end of this article to explore much more than you expect. 

example of a trade show floor at vFairs event

Why is Lead Generation Important? 

Lead generation is the key growth factor for any business. In fact, an important indicator of business success is how many leads you have in your pipeline. Of course, you already know this. 

At virtual telecom trade shows, a number of products or services are featured. You can create an environment that can serve your business later on. When you create such an environment, the distributional and transactional needs of your community are well-served. Exhibitors and professionals can also get e-referrals that eventually become potential leads or connections. It works for any business despite the nature of the industry. 

1. Customized Exhibitor Booths and Profiles

Hosting a virtual telecom trade show is just like organizing a physical exhibit but in actuality, it’s a virtual 3D booth designed for your brand to stand out in your industry. 

It has many notable benefits such as including pre-recorded videos, brochures, and presentations. You also get unique features like product demos and live chat that helps in engaging your attendees. This is done by providing data to capture as well as tracking potential leads. 

The customized exhibitors’ booths and profiles should be part of the exhibitor package. It can support you to have a better experience communicating with your attendees.

virtual exhibit booth from a vFairs trade show

2. Analytics with Sponsorship Options

Virtual telecom trade shows are also popular for offering data-driven sponsorship that ultimately helps in measuring the performance of many matrices and integrations. This includes digital ads, videos, and banners. The option enables you to analyze each and every engagement statistic. 

With analytics, you gather business intelligence through various sponsorship strategies. This feature will ultimately enable you to plan any kind of post-event follow-ups and drive highly qualified leads needing a little bit of nurturing and later becoming your customer. 

3. Engagement in Community Groups Prior to the Event

Engagement is the core of any virtual gathering. Especially when it comes to virtual telecom trade shows, engagement is something really important. What’s better than a proven technique that can also help you generate more attendees and ultimately more leads? 

Almost every other business today has some sort of community built-up on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Those businesses always try to engage their community. No matter if they have an event coming up or not, they keep their business and the community alive. 

For virtual telecom trade shows, another thing to garner success is announcing your pre-event activities. You can share something exclusive with them so you get more visitors. This way, the community can be engaged by several means. Not always but a lot of the time it happens that you posted something about your event and someone from your community took immediate interest.

That way, you will already have generated leads. Now, it’s your responsibility to nurture that lead further. You can communicate with the lead through video chat or simply invite them to your event. 

This is how the community works. If you are able to create a community and engage them on a frequent basis, you can easily generate leads for your virtual telecom trade shows. 

4. Remarket to a Warm Audience

Remarketing is indeed important but it is always done once you have performed the marketing part. People who engaged with your previous marketing campaigns are definitely interested in your business. But they might have lost their interest not because they are not in need, but they were not in an urgency. 

The sense of urgency is where we measure our customer whether he is hot, cold, or warm. What happens when your prospect is not in a hurry to buy your product or services? You simply remarket them. 


The reason is, the person was already interested in your previous campaigns that means the customer has some urge to buy, but he might not have been able to take the decision at the moment. Since he has no urgency, you must create it for them. This is when remarketing comes into action where you come up with a more persuasive offer that can convince your prospect or lead to becoming your paying customer. 

It doesn’t work straight away. You should have some cold or warm audience in your funnel already whom you would be remarketing to take action.


Businesses were not initially convinced to perform virtual telecom trade shows when it started. They were not convinced that they could be beneficial to their business. The time passed and right now, every business is inclining itself towards organizing virtual events. 

It is much more cost-effective and the results are much higher than the traditional trade shows, when done the right way. Nowadays, virtual telecom trade shows have become the priority for a number of industries out there. In old traditional trade shows, businesses needed more space to host more people but in virtual trade shows, the case is totally opposite. 

If you want to generate quality leads with minimum investment, consider virtual telecom trade shows. Here you can get more leads and better exposure with the help of multiple ways to keep your lead funnel full every time. 

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