Virtual Career Fair Success Stories (What Our Clients Are Saying)

Providing a platform for job seekers and top employers to come together under one roof has traditionally been a task not for the faint hearted (or those financially squeezed). A mission that involves months of coordination, planning, communication, large teams and high risks – hosting a career fair is a mission hosts think twice before accepting. This is why the vFairs team has worked relentlessly to use innovation towards eliminating all the pain points that make career fairs such a resource and time intensive challenge for organizations to conquer. Committed to providing clients with exceptional service, technology, and budget-friendly virtual career fair hosting solutions – there’s a reason why our roster of satisfied clients keeps growing everyday:

Ghazi H (Business Development Officer)

Company: Immigrant Services Calgary

“The software is very easy to use, friendly, fast and reliable, and the technical support was fabulous. The feedback from the participants, both employers and Job seekers was excellent and they were very satisfied.” Enabling job seekers from around the world to participate in an extremely convenient online sitting, prospective and current immigrants seeking employment were able to access job opportunities and network with hiring executives. With top notch participating entities such as Deloitte and Accenture Consulting in attendance, the employers were given customized branded booths that the guests could visit in the The Exhibit Hall  that were both visually exciting and functionally robust.

Abundant with a diverse range of information, job seekers had access to company overviews, downloadable brochures, career videos, career listings and best of all- chat option to communicate with company representatives. Offering textual, audio and video chat capabilities, vFairs virtual career fairs are engaging, secure and fully adaptable to cater to client requirements so all attendees enjoy seamless interactions by simply logging on to the platform via their preferred mobile or desktop devices.

Zach W (Marketing Manager)

Company: AICPA

“Excellent – big fan of vFairs”. He further added: “Easy to use and fantastic customer support that works around the clock for their clients – it’s also very easy for our clients who are purchasing booths.” Our virtual career fairs are customized to ensure ease of use, and a hassle-free set up for hosts. With dedicated Project Managers working round-the-clock to provide you with proven solutions to simplify career fair planning and execution, vFair’s customer support has been recognized as the best in the business by clients. To strengthen brand promotion and knowledge sharing, the platform facilitates live and pre-recorded webinar sharing to spearhead audience engagement and deliver a profound impact without the travel costs, coordination hassles, and venue booking expenses typically associated with physical career fairs and seminars. Bringing together reputable guests, thought leaders and industry experts to speak on topics of audience interest, AICPA experienced an incredible improvement in guest attendance measured by real time performance trackers. Allowing customers to determine ROI with precision, the virtual career fair enabled hosts to track important metrics including event registrations, attendance, booth visits, webinar views, most active employer booths, resumes received and much more.

Marie S (HR Project Manager)

Company: Gold Coast

“Phenomenal customer support, dedication and really understood the needs of our business.” She also appreciated: “Its flexibility and the fact that it can be fully customised to suit all requirements. Nothing is too difficult.” The vFairs team understands that the foundation of successful recruitment lies in providing employers with strong tools that help candidate shortlisting. In addition to providing a virtual career fair platform for Gold Coast enabling hiring exhibitors to showcase their unique culture and vacancies, the event went a step further by incorporating resume search functionality.   Allowing hiring managers and booth representatives to search resumes of job seekers in attendance, filtration options included searches by keyword, location, job function, salary expectations, industry, department, and other criteria. Removing the struggle associated with paper based applications, time-intensive sorting, shortlisting and data entry to build candidate pipelines, this virtual career fair removed all obstacles standing in way of efficient and data-driven hiring. An incredible hit amongst the visitors, vFairs secret sauce paired with the client’s vision made talent acquisition results exceptional for all exhibitors.

Principaux enseignements

Accommodating local and international job seeker audience spanning in thousands, choosing a virtual career fair guarantees massive cost savings. Online events can be customized to ensure alignment with WCAG guidelines so you can welcome differently abled attendees, meanwhile delivering an engaging, intuitive and recruitment focused event with built in hiring tools and measurable ROI tracking. Join the ranks of our existing clients already benefiting from the shift- use webinars to promote your brand, go eco-friendly with downloadable resource sharing, and see the magic of impressive talent retention that are fully engaged and excited to steer their careers forward full speed ahead. Have questions?  The vFairs team offers free consultation and guidance so all your hosting challenges can be transformed into brilliant lead generating opportunities.

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Nos chefs de projet réactifs fournissent un soutien de bout en bout aux événements pour vous aider à organiser des expériences incroyables pour votre public.