New In: Enhanced Exhibitor Inquiry Reports and Banner Actions

I) Connect Faster with Exhibitors- Updated Inquiry Reports

As a host, you want to be able to attract the best exhibitors and businesses to participate and help make your virtual event a smashing success. To support you in better managing incoming inquiries from potential exhibitors interested in registering their virtual booth, vFairs has a dedicated “Exhibitor Inquiries” report.

Allowing the host to easily generate the consolidated report of all the exhibitor inquiries received using the event form, and filter them based on a date range, there’s no extra effort needed to ensure that your leads have been followed up with. Skipping the hassle of scattered information to piece together, you can be sure to develop new contacts and answer any questions interested exhibitors may have promptly.

Streamlining the lead nurturing process, the report provides a convenient one-stop window to all the contact information needed to connect with the exhibitor’s representatives that can be downloaded and shared with your event managers for further action.

How to Use It:
Accessing the report is a simple 3 step process:

Click on “Reports” on your dashboard → select “Audience Reports”.

Lastly, click on “Exhibitor Inquiries”. Add any date range that you’re interested in generating your exhibitor leads, and gear up to sell your event to a potential partner!


II) Introducing Banner Action Click Types

In vfairs, booths have been typically equipped with clickable banner images to provide an interactive way to consume content.

Often, customers would prefer to link out to a document or video or another page with a custom message. This was great but it would lead to visitors exiting the fair and fragmenting the experience.

To counter this, we’ve introduced three new banner action types that help maintain a more contained and immersive experience for visitors without opening new tabs. The content can now be viewed or interacted with directly within the virtual environment

  1. Open Document: Allow Visitors to open any PDF document in a pop-up
  2. Open Video: Lets visitors open a youtube or vimeo video in a popup.
  3. Display HTML Content: This lets you create custom HTML content using the WYSIWYG editor. This HTML content then gets displayed in a popup to visitors.

Catering to your target audience becomes easier by sharing content that makes the event exciting and fun to explore. Choose the format that best resonates with them, whether documents, videos or html- your attendees will enjoy the dynamic experience.

How to Use it:
When setting up booths, hosts/exhibitors can specify the desired action to be triggered when a booth banner is clicked. 


vFairs ist die virtuelle Veranstaltungsplattform, auf die Unternehmen, Regierungsorganisationen, Universitäten, KMUs und Startups gleichermaßen vertrauen. Mit ihrer konfigurierbaren und skalierbaren Grundlage hat sie bereits Tausende von Veranstaltungen durchgeführt und Millionen von Nutzern beherbergt. Von vollständig gebrandeten Webinaren und Online-Events bis hin zu sicheren Einstellungsevents - unsere verschiedenen Plattformen ermöglichen es unseren Kunden, ein globales Publikum mit absolutem Komfort zu erreichen.

Wenn Sie mehr darüber erfahren möchten, wie vFairs Sie bei der Organisation Ihrer nächsten erfolgreichen virtuellen Veranstaltung unterstützen kann, kontaktieren Sie uns unter sales(at)vfairs(dot)com oder rufen Sie uns unter (+1) 415.230.0098 an.

New In: Enhanced Exhibitor Inquiry Reports and Banner Actions

Huda Zaman

Huda ist Product Marketing Manager bei vFairs und glaubt an die Kraft des Storytellings, gepaart mit kreativen Bildern, die Marken zum Leben erwecken und sowohl aktuelle als auch potenzielle Kunden überzeugen. Sie erzählt nicht nur die Geschichten von Unternehmensmarken, sondern setzt sich auch leidenschaftlich für die persönliche Marke ein. Für sie bedeutet das, körperfreundliche Räume zu schaffen, die die Akzeptanz der eigenen Person und anderer fördern.

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