vFairs Discover: Interesting Events Coming Up Next Week (23rd May – 29th May)

The vFairs Discover platform is an all-in-one solution for all your virtual events! A range of events for financial executives, contractors, and job seekers are set for the following week. Read on to find out more about upcoming vFairs Discover events that you can attend from anywhere regardless of your geographical location!

1. Wealth Innovation Executive Forum + Awards


May 24, 2022


08:00 GMT-5:00

Why Should You Attend?

Aite Novarica is a leading group of financial advisors. It has more than 70 analysts and people who work in the industry. The goal of the Aite Novarica Wealth Innovation Executive Forum + Awards is to get all the executives together. They aim to manage global wealth, talk about things that change the industry, and share what executives have learned along the way.

The main focus of the multi-track event will be on two things. The first track will be about Digital Engagement, where people will talk about tips, strategies, risks, and opportunities for managing wealth. The second track will be about Products and Services to share wealth data analysis, optimize and digitize the client’s life cycle, and turn client reports into digital engagements.

Be a part of this event to hear from experts in the field and business leaders about how to run a business and deal with a financial transition. You can register at https://discover.vfairs.com/events/7565/wealth-innovation-executive-forum-awards

2. PtD Journey from What to How


May 25, 2022


08:00 GMT-7:00

Why Should You Attend?

This workshop is about HOW to use PtD practices to make construction safer, more efficient, and more profitable without accidents or injuries. The PtD Journey from What to How is a great way to learn about how to prevent accidents by using wearables and exoskeletons in buildings.

You’ll get information on how Prevention through Design can be used, such as through case studies and benchmarking results. These resources will show how you can improve the safety of a project and make sure that both the workers and the people who use it are safe.

This private workshop will give you a chance to connect virtually with the speakers. During Q&A sessions and networking breaks, you can have one-on-one and group chats with the speakers and experts in the field to ask them questions. You will be able to access everything from the workshop for 30 days after it ends.

Register now at https://discover.vfairs.com/events/7458/ptd-journey-what-to-how

3. ACCA Singapore Virtual Careers Fair


May 26, 2022


08:00 GMT+8:00

Why Should You Attend?

The ACCA Singapore Virtual Careers Fair is one of more than 25 events that ACCA careers bring forward. Over 1500 or more companies have taken part in these job fairs to find more talented people to work for them. There were 100,000 job views on its site, which shows that both employers and attendees are still looking for new jobs.

The ACCA Singapore Virtual Careers Fair invites you to join this series and build your career in accounting and finance. The networking team will help people by giving them advice on how to get a job. At the career fair, there will be live webinars led by experts, articles, videos, and live chats with ACCA representatives and employers. The event will teach you:

  • CV writing skills
  • Interview skills
  • Advice on how to get your next job
  • Articles to help you on your path to ACCA

Hurry up! Register now at https://discover.vfairs.com/events/7569/acca-singapore-careers-fair

vFairs Discover: Interesting Events Coming Up Next Week (23rd May – 29th May)

Hira Yousaf

Hira es redactora de contenidos en vFairs. Lleva unos tres años trabajando en el mercado de contenidos SaaS. Hira cree que escribir es su verdadera vocación, por lo que está deseando explorar diferentes nichos. Cuando no está escribiendo, está de viaje haciendo nuevos amigos o probablemente pasando tiempo con sus gatos, Rio y Dusty.

Organice su evento virtual, híbrido y presencial

Nuestros ágiles gestores de proyectos ofrecen asistencia integral para ayudarle a organizar experiencias increíbles para su público.