Conquer Chiari Will Spread Awareness Through Chiari2022 Using vFairs Virtual Conference Solution

The virtual conference lines up informative presentations from scientific experts, Q&A sessions about latest Chiari research and theories, posters, panel discussions, and some fun activities for the Chiari community. 

Wexford, PA – Conquer Chiari aims to educate and connect with the Chiari community through the Chiari2022 Virtual Conference. Dubbed “A Day of Hope”, the event will take place virtually on the vFairs platform on 15th October, 2022. People interested in learning more about Chiari malformation can register for the conference here.

Conquer Chiari is a non-profit known for its aggressive research program. The virtual conference is designed to highlight the latest advances in research regarding the causes of Chiari, its genetics, cognitive effects, symptoms, etc. The vFairs platform facilitates this spread of information through creative and immersive technology that also boosts attendee engagement. The agenda includes 9 presentations from scientific and medical leaders, 3 Q&A panels, roundtable discussions, fun activities, and over 30 research and educational posters. 

Chiari patients often feel alone as there is little awareness of Chiari in the general community. The Chirari 2022: A Day of Hope aims to remedy this by providing information that is easily accessible to patients, family members, friends, and the interested public. The virtual event format will also be a fantastic way for Chiari patients to connect with each other, share their experiences, and make new friends.

“Despite affecting more than 300,000 children and adults in the US, Chiari malformation — a serious neurological disorder — is not widely known, and research into it is severely underfunded. Because of this, patients and their families often feel like no one understands what they are going through and lose hope. This event is intended to both inform and give hope to the Chiari community that we will, in the end, Conquer Chiari,” said Rick Labuda, Founder and Executive Director of Conquer Chiari.

“Spreading awareness for lesser-known serious disorders like Chiari malformation can be vital in empowering affected communities. The vFairs virtual conference solution makes that possible and we are honored to be a part of the great work that Conquer Chiari aims to do,” said Muhammad Younas, CEO of vFairs.

Chiari2022 will happen on the 15th of October and interested participants can sign up here.

About Conquer Chiari

Conquer Chiari, a public charity, is the world’s largest non-governmental funder of Chiari research and a recognized leader in providing scientifically accurate and innovative educational materials to the Chiari community.

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Conquer Chiari Will Spread Awareness Through Chiari2022 Using vFairs Virtual Conference Solution

Syeda Hamna Hassan

Hamna ist Senior Content Marketer bei vFairs. Sie hat über 6 Jahre Erfahrung im Schreiben von Inhalten für die SaaS-, IT- und Telekommunikationsbranche. Sie ist eine Geschichtenerzählerin, Content-Marketing-Expertin und liebt es, über die wechselnden Trends in der Veranstaltungsbranche zu schreiben. Wenn sie nicht schreibt, analysiert sie jedes Spiel des FC Barcelona.

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