Cox Enterprises to Host a Webinar with Information Booths on 14th June 2023 with vFairs Providing Event Technology

The webinar titled Marketing in the Machine Age is aimed toward marketing and business intelligence professionals looking to connect with recruiters and learn more about opportunities at Cox.

Atlanta, GA – Cox Enterprises has announced that they’re hosting an informative webinar with virtual booths through vFairs event platform technology. The webinar, Marketing in the Machine Age, will be live on the 14th of June and interested attendees are welcome to register for it here.

The webinar will be hosted by top marketing professionals at Cox Enterprises. It will be a great opportunity for attendees to learn more about the opportunities at Cox and marketing in the present day.

The virtual event day also includes some informative booths hosted by recruiters at Cox. The participants will thus have the opportunity to connect with Cox recruiters in a 1:1 setting. They can ask questions and expand their professional network.

The event is expected to host over 500 attendees that want to learn more about the latest marketing trends and opportunities at Cox for a stellar career. 

Interested attendees can sign up for the event at the official website.

About Cox Enterprises

We are the Cox family of businesses. We’ve been making our mark since 1898 by building and evolving world-class businesses, staying true to our values, and encouraging top talent to always look for growth and impact while building a career with us. Our primary divisions – Cox Communications and Cox Automotive – are driving a new wave of innovation, powering smart cities with powerhouse broadband communications and pioneering greener, more progressive transportation alternatives for individuals and fleet operators. We’re also expanding into new spaces like cleantech and healthcare to rev up our momentum toward building a better future for the next generation. We’re looking for talent today who will be our leaders tomorrow. Sound intriguing? Learn more about where we are today, where we hope you’ll be going with us, and the common purpose that unites us at

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Cox Enterprises to Host a Webinar with Information Booths on 14th June 2023 with vFairs Providing Event Technology

Syeda Hamna Hassan

Hamna ist Senior Content Marketer bei vFairs. Sie hat über 6 Jahre Erfahrung im Schreiben von Inhalten für die SaaS-, IT- und Telekommunikationsbranche. Sie ist eine Geschichtenerzählerin, Content-Marketing-Expertin und liebt es, über die wechselnden Trends in der Veranstaltungsbranche zu schreiben. Wenn sie nicht schreibt, analysiert sie jedes Spiel des FC Barcelona.

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