In-person Job Fair Ideas for Employers to Hire Top Talent

Picture this: there’s a vibrant hub of diverse talent, and each candidate can be a potential game-changer for your organization. That’s what in-person job fairs offer. Your mission here is to identify exceptional individuals with the qualifications, experience, and passion to drive your company forward. This blog will explore the in-person job fair ideas for employers to harness the full potential of these events.

Job Fair Ideas for Pre-Event Planning

Employers looking for in-person job fair ideas must remember that the way to success starts long before the event starts. It begins with a strategic approach and understanding of how to organize a job fair

Let’s start with some creative job fair ideas that you can use during your planning and preparation: 

in person job fair ideas for employers

1. Define Your Goals

Setting specific aims clearly directs what job fair ideas can work for you. Well-defined goals come with measurable outcomes, allowing you to assess the event’s effectiveness afterward.

  • Make sure to align them with your organization’s aim. 
  • Follow the long-term talent acquisition strategy of your company. 
  • Keep the goals specific and measurable to evaluate output. 
  • Set realistic expectations. 
  • Prioritize the important goals to be completed first.
  • Be flexible to adapt as circumstances change. 

Most of the time, employers set goals for in-person job fairs like collecting a certain number of resumes, meeting a certain number of candidates, collecting emails, and receiving a certain number of follow-ups.

2. Assemble a Planning Committee

A planning committee brings together individuals with diverse skills, expertise, and unique viewpoints to plan and run a well-organized event. By dividing responsibilities among the members, each aspect of the job fairs can be addressed, from logistics to marketing and candidate engagement.

Here are some ways to assemble the dream team:

  • Include key stakeholders from different departments that play a role in the job fair hiring process and involve HR professionals and recruiters in the team.  
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of each member and communicate their expected contributions. 
  • Schedule regular committee meetings to brainstorm and choose the best job fair ideas, discuss challenges, and evaluate progress. 
  • Assign specific tasks to committee members based on their expertise. For example, you can assign promotional activities to the marketing representative and candidate interactions with HR professionals. 
  • Stay aligned with the job fair’s goals. Whether you’re attracting a certain number of candidates or showcasing company culture, make sure every step aligns with it. 

3. Develop a Marketing Strategy 

Standing out as a company at a job fair can’t just happen on the event floor. The promotional strategy helps you connect with your target audience beforehand. 

You should know how to attract more candidates at the job fair and make a solid impression of your organization. A good marketing strategy is one of the most effective job fair ideas for employers.

Here are some tips for developing a marketing strategy:

  • Define your goals to reach the right audience and communicate your company culture.
  • Craft compelling messaging that resonates with your audience. 
  • Choose the right channels to promote the event. They can be social media platforms, email campaigns, job fair websites, and traditional advertising methods. 
  • Repurpose content that you already have. 
  • Collaborate on designing professional and attractive job fair flyer templates. 
  • Ensure that the job fair flyers reflect your company’s brand and culture. Use consistent color schemes, logos, and language to create a unified and professional appearance. 
  • Design a countdown strategy to build anticipation.
  • Measure the metrics and adjust the strategy as needed.
  • Develop engaging content to capture attention and convey your message effectively. 

content repurposing strategy vfairs

To drive engagement, what employers should bring to a job fair is to create a variety of compelling content types, such as informative blog posts, engaging videos showcasing company culture, job role spotlights, and engaging job fair ideas. Leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can help distribute this content to a wide audience. 

4. Review Candidate Profiles Before the Event

You can get access to the event mobile app or a list of registered candidates along with their resumes from the event host. Accessing this data before the event can help you create a list of people you want to connect with during the event or even contact to set up an interview for the event time. This way you will be able to make the most of the time spent on a fun job fair booth and will be able to hire the best matches for the positions.

candidate profiles in an in-person job fair
Search Applicant’s Resume

5. Keep a List of Available Jobs Updated

Sometimes during the event, you want to offer a job opening for a certain time. For that, you can activate and deactivate any job openings in your job fair booth. You can also deactivate a job position if you have already collected enough resumes and you do not want to accept any more applications. This not only keeps the booth organized but also allows employers to control the openings.

job listings in vfairs mobile app

Job Fair Best Practices for Employers

The moment has arrived. You’ve meticulously prepared for the job fair, your marketing efforts have generated buzz, and candidates are streaming toward your booth with anticipation. Now, it’s time to seize the opportunity. The key is to learn how to organize a job fair. 

What should employers bring to a job fair? Here are some job fair ideas to make the most of your on-site presence. 

1. Set up an Engaging Booth

When wondering how to attract candidates at a job fair, the most obvious answer is an engaging booth. Your booth is often the first point of contact candidates have with your organization. It sets the tone for their entire experience at the job fair. 

Spend some time brainstorming unique job fair booth display ideas and invest in a visually appealing booth design that showcases the employer’s brand and displays matching colors, logos, and messaging. Fun job fair booth ideas can be implemented. Consider incorporating bold graphics and signage to draw attention. 

Create interactive elements that encourage candidates to engage with your booth. This could include games, quizzes, or touchscreens with information about your company. One of the most fun job booth fair ideas is to offer branded swag items because they leave a lasting impression. 

Looking for job fair swag ideas? That can be simple items like pens, notepads, or more creative, industry-specific gifts. A cartoonist making quick sketches of the attendees can also be added to the list of fun job fair ideas.  

in-person job fair ideas to set up engaging booths

2. Collect Candidate Information and Resumes

This step helps you keep track of promising prospects and lays the foundation for post-event follow-up and future recruitment efforts. Employ digital tools and software for efficient data collection. 

Make custom forms that candidates can fill out quickly by scanning QR codes. They can also upload their resume within the forms. Wondering how to prepare for a job fair as an employer? One aspect is to print the forms and organize them once filled along with the resumes. 

collecting resumes in in-person job fair

3. Display Employee Testimonials to Show the Company’s Culture

When going to job fairs, candidates are not just looking for job opportunities; they are seeking an organization that aligns with their values and work style. One of the best ideas for job fair booth is displaying employee testimonials. It can be a powerful tool to convey what it’s truly like to work in your company. Hearing from current employees builds trust and relatability with potential candidates. It humanizes your organization and makes it more approachable.

Here are some job fair table ideas for displaying testimonials:

  • Showcase diverse perspectives from employees at different levels, roles, and departments.
  • Try to highlight specific aspects of your company culture, such as teamwork, work-life balance, and growth opportunities. 
  • Interactive touchscreens are great job fair display ideas for your booth where candidates can browse through a collection of testimonials.

You can play around with these job fair presentation ideas to make your booth attractive and worth remembering. 

4. Tag Candidates and Add Notes

When connecting with many people during the event, it can be hard to keep track of the ones you would want to contact afterward. One of the useful job fair ideas is to add notes with each candidate’s profile and jot down any important points you would like to remember. You can mention some interesting parts of the conversation or a skill that caught your eye. 

You can also tag some candidates and add favorites. This can be a list of candidates that will be getting a follow up or you would like to set up interviews with them. 

vfairs lead capture app allows you to add tags and notes with leads

5. Handle Candidate Queries

Be approachable and create a warm environment at your booth to welcome candidates. Make sure that your booth staff is trained to guide the candidates about company culture, open positions, application process, and other details. They should engage candidates in meaningful conversations to learn more about their skills and aspirations.

Here are some tips to follow when dealing with candidate questions:

  • Anticipate common questions and prepare FAQs.
  • Direct candidates to relevant resources, such as the website, application portal, and informational brochures for details.
  • Handle sensitive topics, such as salary or benefits, with tact and transparency.
  • Maintain a positive attitude even when asked repetitive or challenging questions. 
  • Guide candidates on the next steps which can be applying online or scheduling an interview.
  • Share contact details for follow-up inquiries. 

in-person job fair snippets

Next Steps: After the In-person Job Fair

The true measure of success at a job fair often lies in what you do next. As the event hall quiets down, the potential of your participation begins to unfold. Here are job fair ideas for employers after the event has ended: 

1. Perform Post Event Follow-up 

The real magic of talent acquisition often happens during the post-event follow-up phase. Here you can nurture connections, express appreciation, and take tangible steps toward turning potential candidates into valuable team members. 

Send Thank-you Emails

Within 24-48 hours of the job fair, send personalized appreciation emails to candidates you interact with. Reiterate the key selling points about your organization and provide the next steps. End the email with your contact details and encourage them to get back to you.  

Schedule Interviews

Once you’ve identified strong candidates, schedule interviews as soon as possible. Offer flexible time options to choose from and clearly outline the goal of the interview so the candidates come prepared. 

2. Analyze Key Metrics for Future Reference 

By identifying strengths and areas for improvement, you can refine your job fair ideas and approach, increasing your chances of success in future events. Let’s dive into the key metrics to follow:

  • Measure the level of engagement your booth received during the event. 
  • Track the number of leads collected, including candidate information and resumes. 
  • Calculate the percentage of leads generated that progressed to the interview or next stage of the job fair hiring process.
  • Assess the overall cost in relation to the number of hires made to measure ROI.
  • Collect feedback from candidates about their experience at your booth.  

event analytics from in-person job fairs


During job fairs, candidates are not just considered for positions but as potential partners in a shared journey toward success. It is evident that in-person job fairs hold immense value for employers. 

However, their success depends on implementing effective job fair ideas for detailed planning, strategic execution, and thoughtful post-event actions. With dedication and vision, employers can seize the opportunities presented by job fairs, secure top talent, and propel their organizations toward new heights of achievement. 

Also, check out this podcast on tips to attract the best candidates in virtual open days.

In-person Job Fair Ideas for Employers to Hire Top Talent

Aqsa Ayub

Aqsa Ayub works with vFairs as a content writer and has been writing for six years now in different industries including tech, B2B, sustainability, social issues, and politics. Besides writing, she enjoys reading non-fiction books on history, politics, and biographies.

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