11 Webinar Marketing Tips to Promote Your Event

Webinars are a potent tool for connecting, educating, and influencing audiences. They are a necessity for businesses aiming to generate meaningful impact. Due to their infinite benefits, leveraging webinars to their full extent is imperative. However, you cannot reach your event goals without proper webinar marketing. 

Since one of the top webinar KPIs is a high attendance rate, let’s explore the best webinar marketing tips to attract more attendees. 

1. Choose the Right Promotion Timing

Timing is a critical factor when it comes to promoting a webinar. The goal is to reach your target audience at a time when they are most likely to engage. For this, you need to understand your target audience first. Then it is imperative that you know their time zone, routine, and schedule before you set your webinar marketing schedule, find out everything you can about your target audience – from time zones to major holiday seasons – and factor in their availability and preferences. 

According to a Hubspot survey, the best times to post on social media – across all industries and platforms – are 6 PM to 9 PM and 12 PM to 3 PM and the best day to post is Friday.

The best practice for webinar digital marketing is to start promoting at least 6-8 weeks before to give it time to create awareness and build hype around the event. Also, it gives people sufficient notice to manage their schedules and commit to the said date.

2. Create a Landing Page for Your Webinar

An important webinar marketing step is to create a dedicated landing page where all the event details will be mentioned. This is your chance to entice user interest by mentioning what the webinar offers and how it can benefit them. Understand the pain points of your audience and highlight how your webinar offers solutions on the landing page. Also, add a compelling CTA in bold colors to draw the user’s attention, and don’t forget to sync your webinar’s landing page with your brand. 

Check out how the HACE 2023 event landing page talks about the event, gives a relevant Call-To-Action button, introduces speakers, and gives away the event agenda.  

HAEC Landing page
HACE 2023 Event Landing Page

Another important webinar marketing tip is to check your analytics and measure CTR for previous campaigns and landing pages to find out what works best for you. You can also start an A/B test to identify what your reader likes the most on your landing page. 

3. Utilize an Exit Intent Pop-up 

Exit intent pop-ups work wonders when it comes to controlling the bounce rate on your webinar landing page. Don’t rush your users by putting the pop-ups too early because timing here is key. Choose an optimum time that works best. 

Also, you need to draw the attention of your users intending to leave the page with something compelling enough. Do your research and create a highly targeted pop-up for your audience. Make sure the required action needs little to no effort and help them register easily.  

Dscover next promotional pager that popped up on the vFairs website
vFairs DiscoverNext Pop-up

4. Use a Countdown Timer to Communicate Urgency 

Creating urgency is a common yet effective tactic used by businesses to attract customers. By adding a countdown timer to your webinar landing page, as shown in the example below, you communicate with your potential attendees how long they have to make the decision.

Also, it is important to provide an add-to-calendar feature so they don’t forget about it and show up at the event. 

PMISCC Landing page
PMISCC 12th Biennial Conference Landing Page

5. Partner up with Influencers

Hubspot’s 2023 marketing trends report states that 1 in 4 marketers are currently leveraging influencer marketing. Brands are more willing to collaborate with social media stars and event influencers to promote a webinar. Investing in this direction will certainly bring you more registrants. Also, it is essential to track results and analyze how well the partnership performed for future decisions.  

6. Create an Email Marketing Campaign

One of the best webinar marketing strategies is to harness your email list and convert the members into webinar registrants. Automated email campaigns can help you deliver personalized content as per your user behavior. You can create an email sequence for your audience and it can go like this:

vfairs drip email campaign

Here is an example of the vFairs email campaign for our Weekly Webinars.

epic events email marketing campaign
vFairs EpicEvent Email Campaign

7. Turn to Social Media 

More than half of the world now uses social media. Statistics show that 4.88 billion people, which is around 60% of the world’s population, are on social media now. So, now is the best time to leverage socials for your webinar marketing. 

Pick social media platforms that work best for your social media event marketing and accommodate your target audiences. Then develop a series of posts to introduce the webinar, highlight value propositions, and encourage users to register. 

Here is how vFairs promoted its DiscoverNext webinar: 

8. Take Advantage of Your Employee Network

Your employees are not just the backbone of your organization; they’re also valuable assets for marketing any upcoming events. Harnessing their networks and collective influence can significantly expand the reach of your webinar. 

You can start by creating an employee advocacy program and educating them about the upcoming webinar. Encourage them to share webinar updates, create LinkedIn articles, and participate in relevant LinkedIn groups to reach a targeted audience. Also share employee stories, their experiences, insights, and perspectives related to the event for webinar promotions. 

Check out how Matti Holdridge promoted the vFairs DiscoverNext event.

9. Get Your Speakers to Promote the Webinar

Once you secure the right speakers for your events, you can use their influence, networks, and followers to promote the webinar. Harnessing their reach and credibility can be a powerful strategy for increasing webinar attendance and engagement.  

Start by involving your speakers in the process of marketing a webinar from the beginning. Provide them with promotional kits that include pre-written social media posts, email templates, banners, and any other webinar digital marketing assets they might need. You can even consider hosting live Q&A sessions with your speakers on social media to talk about the upcoming webinar. 

10. Go for Paid Campaigns 

Paid event ads can bring in extra revenue that other webinar marketing techniques might not be able to achieve. These paid webinar advertisement campaigns are a quick and scalable way to reach potential attendees. With enhanced visibility and brand awareness, paid ads give you an edge over your competitors. You can also conduct A/B tests to determine which ad variants perform best. This data collected while advertising webinars helps you refine any future webinar marketing strategy.

11. Use AI to Generate Marketing Content Quickly

According to Think with Google, AI helps accomplish 10 years of marketing goals in 1 year.  Marketers need to keep up with the fast-paced competition and elevate their campaigns by using this modern technology. 

vFairs event management platform understands this need and offers in-built AI marketing tools to generate high-quality content in no time. From social media campaigns to email marketing and even webinar creation, everything is covered. You can also repurpose your webinar content also offers a webinar summary and chapterization tool that helps you create quick content to share with your audience after the event. 

AI generated content repurpose
vFairs AI Model to Generate Marketing Content

Final Word

The success of your webinar doesn’t solely depend on its content but also your marketing efforts. Embrace a comprehensive webinar marketing strategy to maximize your event’s potential. Understand your audiences and incorporate AI to generate targeted content quickly. Remember that adaptability and continuous improvement are key to achieving your event marketing goals, so stay agile and keep refining your strategies for future success.

11 Webinar Marketing Tips to Promote Your Event

Aqsa Ayub

Aqsa Ayub works with vFairs as a content writer and has been writing for six years now in different industries including tech, B2B, sustainability, social issues, and politics. Besides writing, she enjoys reading non-fiction books on history, politics, and biographies.

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