4 Reasons Why You Should Host a Virtual Career Fair to Hunt Top Talent

Virtual Career Fairs are a fast-growing trend that take the hassle out of the hiring process. They connect business owners to relevant talent at rapid speed for a fraction of the cost.

Consider hiring the wrong person for the job a problem of the past; Virtual Career Fairs enable an enhanced, quality connection between company and candidate without the hassle of a physical fair. Here’s how:

1. Find Global Talent ‘In One Place’

With Virtual Career Fairs, resumes can be submitted on the spot. Video, voice or text chat is usable for quick and easy conversation, which allows global talent to connect in real-time. Wading through credentials becomes an efficient, verifiable process with in-the-moment communication. Virtual Career Fairs enable a quick and easy way to review large groups of quality candidates, set up a series of interviews, and get candidates through the recruitment funnel faster.

Imagine the relief of setting up more casual interactions with a large number of talented applicants across the globe without having to sync time zones or arrange physical meetings. Applicants are more likely to participate when there is ease of scheduling. In the end, it makes everyone’s lives easier. This has allowed a number of companies to access global talent they would have never come across any other way.

global reach2. Reduce Cost and Time to Hire

From background checks, skills tests and finding the right review panel to assess candidates; every employer knows that hiring is an extremely long process that is crucial to the success of their company.

In fact, hiring is typically a 20 to 40 day process and that process is rigorous, especially while hiring in large numbers. The difference in the hiring process for virtual recruits is in the first stage. Large numbers of potential candidates flood through without the hassle of setting up appointments. Relevant, desirable candidates are easy to instantly categorize in the “potential” pile, which cuts down your review period in half.

New companies don’t have the stress of needing a fully staffed review board to check for new talent. Current team members can chat remotely with career fair attendees and start the selection process through the very first interaction.

Virtual career fairs are the simplified, time efficient hiring procedure for the most innovative companies and potential employees. For the first time, companies are fast tracking candidates through the recruitment funnel in 2-3 days via this easy-to-use shortlisting method.

save time

3. Promote your Employer Brand

Writing out a compelling job description and getting people to attend your event is half the battle and part of finding the right talent is making sure your company values align with those of a potential employee.  So much time and money is spent laboring over the perfect ad copy and accompanying graphic. A lot of the time, job seekers aren’t even sure if the event will be worth their time.

On the other hand, virtual event platforms empower you to create instant brand engagement. Instead of a call-to-action that feels like an advertisement to a candidate, you create an open invitation to learn more about your company. An instant connection is made with this more inviting proposition. Not only have you made it worth the potential employee’s time, you’ve set a stage where you can tell your company story and find compatible top talent.

employer brand

4. Tap into the Secret Pool of Passive Candidates

Companies put so much time into researching their new talent, but it’s key to remember that career seekers spend just as much time (if not more) looking into your company before even considering applying.

Most recruits find themselves scouring through a company website, and maybe even a few reviews on an employee review site like Glassdoor. They want to know they can identify with a company and trust their values before spending their time going through the interview process.

Virtual career fairs are a huge opportunity for the passive candidate who is just interested in testing the waters. It gives them an engaging, interactive picture of what to expect once they’re part of your company. Candidates can capture the information they need at their own pace without any frills or commitment.

Virtual Career Fairs also integrate webinars at times where such talent can get a better idea of the company in just an hour. They can even ask relevant questions or benefit from the questions of others. This way, passive candidates stay “under the radar” without fear of being pursued for a job/company they are not yet sure to switch to; at the same time they stay current with the market and keep learning about employment options.

This low-pressure environment gives your company the upper-hand on the competition that may just use their website and social media to find recruits. These can be crowded, distracting spaces for a job seeker. On the other hand, once a job seeker is in a Virtual Event space, you’ve locked him/her in for complete attention to your message. This method has less pressure and more genuine interaction which ultimately leads to better hiring decisions.

passive candidates

Ready? Time to Find your Talent!

Virtual Career Fairs are your one-stop-shop for easier, more affordable, streamlined hiring. Without the hassle of sending out hundreds of emails, you now have time to use your new favorite employer branding tool, engage with global talent, and save a whole lot of money. The hiring process has been revolutionized by Virtual Career Fairs (for the better), it’s time you enjoyed the benefits of this innovation.

If you’re considering a virtual event; feel free to book a free consultancy session with our professionals by clicking here.

Want to learn more about Virtual Career Fairs? Read “The Ultimate Guide to a Virtual Career Fair”.


At vFairs.com, we strive to build a top-class online event platform that will help event organizers make memorable connections with their target audience. We’re obsessed with taking out the hassle normally associated with physical events and leaving organizers and exhibitors to focus on what’s most important: engagement with the audience.

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