Mining Needs You Virtual Career Fair Set to Happen from November 15-16 with vFairs as Event Technology Partner

The virtual career fair will bring mining industry and academia professionals, recruiters, employers, and other sector representatives in direct contact with students and job seekers looking for exciting opportunities.

Kanata, ON – The Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR), the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) are jointly hosting the Mining Needs You Virtual Career Fair to take place on the vFairs platform on November 15 & 16, 2022. Interested job seekers, students and mining exhibitors can register here.

This national job fair will bring together top recruiters from Canada’s mining industry, job seekers and post-secondary students. It is an excellent opportunity for mining recruiters to get acquainted with top talent for hiring. 

Exhibitors can showcase their organizations’ job opportunities and interview potential candidates. They can also purchase one of 10 available 30-minute webinar time slots to deliver a presentation related to careers at their organizations.

The November 2021 Mining Needs You Virtual Career Fair had nearly 800 job seekers attend, and included 38 exhibitors for attendees to connect with. The list of exhibitors for this year’s event continues to grow. 

We need mining to build a safer, greener and more connected world. The shift to a low carbon economy will not be possible without Canada’s mining sector, which produces over 60 minerals and metals essential to our way of life today and to the world we want to create tomorrow. 

Whether someone’s training is in skilled trades, engineering, geoscience, computing and robotics, environmental or social work, or any number of other areas, there is a career for them in mining.

Job seekers can get more information about the virtual career fair and register for the event here.

About the Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR) 

MiHR is Canada’s knowledge centre for mining labour market information. An independent, non-profit organization, MiHR leads collaboration among mining and exploration companies, organized labour, contractors, educational institutions, industry associations and Indigenous groups to identify opportunities and address the human resource and labour market challenges facing the Canadian minerals and metals sector.

About the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) 

CIM is the leading not-for-profit technical society of professionals in the Canadian minerals, metals, materials and energy industries. A CIM membership can help enhance your professional profile, develop your business network and build your company’s profile.

CIM has served as the leading technical industry institute in Canada for the past 124 years. CIM is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, facilitation of innovation, the celebration of excellence and the promotion of sustainable practices across the full spectrum of Canada’s minerals, metals, materials, and petroleum industries.

About the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) 

PDAC is the leading voice of the mineral exploration and development community, an industry that supports 719,000 people in direct and indirect employment, and contributes $106 billion to Canada’s GDP every year. Representing over 6,000 members around the world, PDAC’s work centers on supporting a competitive, responsible, and sustainable mineral sector.

Über vFairs 

vFairs ist eine Plattform für virtuelle, hybride und persönliche Veranstaltungen, die Unternehmen aller Größen, Branchen und Regionen dabei unterstützt, unvergessliche Online-Veranstaltungen durchzuführen und echte Geschäftsergebnisse zu erzielen. Die virtuelle Plattform und die mobile App bieten vielseitige Funktionen und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten. Darüber hinaus bietet das Unternehmen einen außergewöhnlichen Kundensupport, der auf Websites von Drittanbietern wie G2 und Capterra stets als Nummer 1 bewertet wird. Aus diesem Grund haben sich Top-Organisationen auf der ganzen Welt für vFairs entschieden, um virtuelle Konferenzen, Online-Messen, Job-Messen, virtuelle Schulungen und vieles mehr zu veranstalten.

Mining Needs You Virtual Career Fair Set to Happen from November 15-16 with vFairs as Event Technology Partner

Syeda Hamna Hassan

Hamna ist Senior Content Marketer bei vFairs. Sie hat über 6 Jahre Erfahrung im Schreiben von Inhalten für die SaaS-, IT- und Telekommunikationsbranche. Sie ist eine Geschichtenerzählerin, Content-Marketing-Expertin und liebt es, über die wechselnden Trends in der Veranstaltungsbranche zu schreiben. Wenn sie nicht schreibt, analysiert sie jedes Spiel des FC Barcelona.

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