Hosting a Successful Virtual Trade Show – 12 Best Practices & Tactics

Trade shows are no longer what they used to be. In fact, now Virtual Trade Shows are whatever YOU want them to be.

In the pre-corona age, trade shows were specifically one of the most popular and profitable events to be conducted by organizers. They’d be the talk of the town way before they even occurred.

However, what used to be the talk of the ‘town’, has now become the talk of the ‘world’ in the form of Virtual Trade Shows. While the increased global reach is a great opportunity for organizers to capitalize on, it also signals towards an increasingly competitive virtual environment.

For this reason, your profitability as a virtual event organizer depends gravely upon the tactics you opt for while setting up a smashing Virtual Trade Show. So, let’s do what it takes to help you stand out!

12 Best Practices to Host a Successful Virtual Trade Show

1. Research Customer Needs to Create Shared Value

Wie sieht Erfolg für Sie aus? Einfacher ausgedrückt: Als Erstes sollten Sie sich klare Ziele setzen. Egal, ob es sich um Markenbekanntheit, die Umwandlung von Leads oder etwas anderes handelt: Definieren Sie Ihre Zielgruppe sowie den ROI der Veranstaltung, damit Ihr Team auf ein bestimmtes Ziel hinarbeiten kann.

2. Position Your Virtual Trade Show Accurately

Trade Shows can be tricky to explain. They can be associated with a wide range of industries. Therefore, in order to attract relevant audiences, exhibitors and sponsors, it is essential to define the category or segment that you are targeting.

Der Name Ihrer Veranstaltung spielt dabei eine große Rolle. Darüber hinaus muss Ihre Landing Page alle Informationen enthalten, die dem Publikum zeigen, was es von der Veranstaltung zu erwarten hat.

3. Offer a Variety of Content at Your Virtual Trade Show

Before you make a content strategy for your Virtual Trade Show, ask yourself 3 things:

  • What type of content should I include? Webinars, brochures, e-books, articles, videos, or more
  • Was ist der Grund dafür, dass das Publikum diese Inhalte konsumieren möchte?
  • Was ist neu an meinem Angebot?

You need to remember that you’re catering to a remote audience and so, your content should be flexible enough to be consumed in different times of the day by people in various moods.

Lastly, yet most importantly, your content needs to act as a stimulus to a certain favorable response. Make sure there is a clear Call-to-Action linked to each piece that you are throwing their way.

webinar session at virtual trade show

resources at virtual trade show

4. Ensure Your Virtual Trade Show is Mobile-Friendly

More than 346 million new users came online in the twelve months to July 2020, equivalent to an average increase of almost 950,000 new users each day. Most internet users (91 percent) use mobile devices to go online.

It is the ease and convenience of your virtual trade show that drives people towards it. Make sure your event is mobile-friendly since most of your audience will be, without a doubt, accessing the event laying on the couch, or on the go, using their mobile devices.

This should therefore be a seamless experience for them.

5. Plan a Multi-Pronged Marketing Approach

Your event might have it all and more, but it’s not going anywhere till you promote it.

Take your event to your audience and maximize registrations. SEO, social media marketing, PR campaigns, sponsored content, banner ads, emails and SMS, and so on, can act as channels to drive audiences to your outstanding virtual trade show.

6. Provide More than One Option to Browse Through Product Listings

Not to forget, you’re dealing with a remote audience that can vary in terms of interest as well as the distractions surrounding them.

For those who would like to spend a good time exploring each and every virtual booth in the display, you might be offering listings at their respective booths. But for the quickies, make sure you accelerate this process.

exhibit hall in virtual trade show


Add a products tab on the main navigation bar and provide attendees with search options with filters to reach the categories they’re interested in. This approach will therefore support increasing conversions at the end of the day.

7. Trigger Push Notifications & On-Site Announcements to Maximize Engagement

Dies ist eine weitere Taktik zur Einbindung. Um die Teilnahme an Webinaren zu erhöhen, erinnern Push-Benachrichtigungen die Teilnehmer normalerweise daran, an den Live-Webinar-Sitzungen teilzunehmen.

Um die Besucherzahlen zu erhöhen, können die Aussteller die Teilnehmer mit Hilfe von Ankündigungen vor Ort über besondere Rabatte oder Angebote informieren.

8. Discuss Appointment Features with your Virtual Event Provider

Virtual trade shows are not limited to standard chat options (which in itself is one of the key reasons to host one). In fact. there are more ways to boost engagement and precisely, targeted engagement.

Talk to your virtual event provider about not only allowing visitors to book a chat slot with exhibitors but also allowing exhibitors to search through the registrations and invite relevant prospects for a time to chat. This gives your event’s exhibitors an additional weapon to win the conversion game.

book appointment for chat at virtual trade show

9. Accelerate Conversions using E-Commerce

Sie haben Menschen zu Ihrer Veranstaltung gelockt. Die Tatsache, dass sie bei Ihrer Veranstaltung anwesend sind, bedeutet, dass Sie bereits auf halbem Wege sind, sie zu konvertieren. Sie brauchen nur noch einen kleinen Anstoß zum richtigen Zeitpunkt, um sich zu qualifizieren.

E-Commerce sales are expected to reach $4.2 Trillion by the end of 2020, and is anticipated to keep growing as we move deeper into the 2020s.

Minimize the time between decision-making and their purchase by offering an online store within your virtual trade show. This option allows you to convert the lead that you had just nurtured before they left the event and forgot all about it.

10. Follow-Up with Attendees for Missed Opportunities

Double-check for unanswered queries. A lot of people miss out on a major area of opportunity by ending their event, and not following up with audiences.

Follow-ups not only act as a symbol of goodwill by the organizer but also increase the chance of converting targeted prospects who had experienced your virtual trade show.

11. Choose a Vendor that Facilitates Measuring Success

One of the key benefits of hosting virtual trade shows is their capability to measure the organizer’s ROIs. Make sure your virtual event provider generates detailed reports and analytics to not only help you with the current virtual event, but also to act as a benchmark for previous and upcoming events.

12. Test-Run to Ensure Impeccable User Experience

Once your virtual event is all set, it is highly necessary for you to do a complete test-run to ensure that the event does not face any technical difficulties on the day.

Once you’re fully equipped with the right support, and an unbeatable event strategy, there’s nothing that can stop your virtual trade show from standing out and making a lasting impression.

Read More: The Ultimate Guide to a Virtual Trade Show

Click here to view The Organizer’s Playbook to Hosting Amazing Virtual Events.


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Hosting a Successful Virtual Trade Show – 12 Best Practices & Tactics

Huda Zaman

Huda ist Product Marketing Manager bei vFairs und glaubt an die Kraft des Storytellings, gepaart mit kreativen Bildern, die Marken zum Leben erwecken und sowohl aktuelle als auch potenzielle Kunden überzeugen. Sie erzählt nicht nur die Geschichten von Unternehmensmarken, sondern setzt sich auch leidenschaftlich für die persönliche Marke ein. Für sie bedeutet das, körperfreundliche Räume zu schaffen, die die Akzeptanz der eigenen Person und anderer fördern.

Veranstalten Sie Ihr virtuelles, hybrides oder persönliches Event

Unsere reaktionsschnellen Projektmanager unterstützen Sie von Anfang bis Ende bei der Durchführung von Veranstaltungen, damit Sie Ihrem Publikum ein unvergessliches Erlebnis bieten können.